{31 days of worship Day 9} Fall

I had some internet problems this weekend so I am a little behind on my little lessons on Worship. I hope to get caught up today, we shall see. Here is today's and I will continue working to back-post the rest of the week's.


Fall is my favorite season as a whole. The air is crisp and clean (or is supposed to be, until yesterday we have had quite the second summer here), leaves are changing colors, the scents of Fall are everywhere (and they smell so good!) But I also like to view fall from a spiritual aspect. It's actually the beginning of our spiritual cycle. The Bible says we as Christians go through seasons too, and the first season we go through is that of laying down our problem areas and allowing them to die. This prepares us for a still, quiet season of prayer asking God what we need to change and allowing Him to help us (winter). Then our new life begins to blossom (spring) and we find ourselves blessed with the fruit of our labor and harvesting the seeds we've planted (summer).
Watching the trees lay down their leaves in preparation for the new life that will take their place reminds me of us laying down our crowns before the Lord in worship and allowing Him to take us where He wants us to be.

We fall down, we lay our crowns
At the feet of Jesus
The greatness of mercy and love
At the feet of Jesus

And we cry Holy Holy Holy
We cry Holy Holy Holy
We cry Holy Holy Holy
Is the Lamb


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