
I want you to see what I saw this morning. I had just finished my breakfast, my one year old son finishing his earlier and being set in his room behind the baby gate to have his morning playtime. I slowly peeked my head around the corner to see my little boy looking not so little. We had a train table given to us for Christmas last year and while the trains and tracks are still in the storage bin, with him being a little young to appreciate the whole effect, he uses the table for many different purposes. It has been a percussion board for new rythms he has found, a display case for his favorite toys and books, a quick and easy spot to place toys when it's late at night and we don't want to trip on the way to his crib, you name it. But the newest job description for this marvelous table is "stage". Many times have I looked in to find him trying to climb on top of it, or sitting quitely looking at a book up there. But today he took it to a new level. Not only was he standing on the table, but he had a box upside down in the center of it and was trying his best to ballance his little unballanced body on top of it. He looked up and saw me and then proceeded to stretch his arms as high as he could while standing on his tip toes with the biggest smile a little boy could have. Obviously, being a parent, I saw the future outcome of his actions being him on the floor in tears so I quickly (and gently) climbed the baby gate to retrieve him and return him to solid ground. I remembered that a few days before I had found him standing on a plastic chair that was pressed up against the side of the full size bed we have in his room while he tried his best to climb on top of the bed.
As I continued to watch him play I found myself wondering about the reasons behind the need that children have for getting themseleves in the highest places possible. And then I realized it's just God's plan for our lives. He created us to have the desire to climb higher, both in our lives and our spiritual walk. We were not created to remain on the floor of our faith, but instead to strive to carry on the continuous climb towards all He has for us. And while it may not always be what we think is "safe" we still need to continue climbing and trust that our Daddy is right there watching and ready to catch us if we lose our ballance.


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