
A single word can say so much. I have been thinking of a word lately. Cherish. When glancing through the definition these defining words stood out: protect, care for, love, hold, keep, dear.
I had the great pleasure of attending my cousin's wedding yesterday, and the word Cherish became quite vivid to me. I looked at my little loves and saw their wedding days, far away and yet so very close. While my cousin was dancing with my aunt I found myself swaying with my little boy and holding him ever so close, wishing the moment would live forever. I looked over at my husband holding our little girl with the same look in his eyes. I realized that until then I had never truly known the meaning of the word cherish. I have known love, remember, even holding dear, but have I really known Cherish? This life moves onward so swiftly that one moment of busyness can result in years of forgotten moments. I cannot keep my precious ones little forever, but I can Cherish what I have with them in every moment. The wonderful, the difficult, the sweet snuggles and the hurt feelings. Each moment of their lives is a picture of mine. I want to take as many steps as I can to preserve these moments and hold them close to my heart forever.
Pictures, videos, and remembrance journals will help to keep these moments alive long after they've become history.
To all the mommas and daddys out there I wish you to learn to cherish every day. They will all too soon be far behind us and our memories will be that much stronger because of the moments we've held onto. Don't rush through your lives and that of your children. Hold onto every moment and keep them in your heart. They are like a sweet blossom that brightens each day.


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