
Showing posts from November, 2012


In this season of giving thanks to our provider for all He has done in all of our lives, I have started to contemplate the reason we have an annual celebration. I know the main reason behind Thanksgiving is to be thankful for those people God sent to help the earliest of Americans get through a trying time, caused in part by their own hardheadedness. But then I think... how many times have I been that hardheaded stubborn American and placed myself in a position of difficulty. And yet, God. With His compassion and His love provided a way out for me, as He does for all of us.<br> It makes me think, shouldn't we lift up our Thanksgiving everyday? Why is it that most of us tend to save it all for one special day or month of the year?<br> Today I was working on a special song for Sunday morning's service and the words did a work on my heart. I realized that I a in the middle of a hard time in life, not having all of the things we want or need, and I have allowed that ...