My Goal
My name is Britni and I have a beautiful three month old little boy. It is the goal of my husband and I to train our children to love the Lord and follow His will for their lives, and to fully support them in doing so. Let me give you a little bit of my background. Many people may think a 21 year old with only one small baby wouldn't know a whole lot about raising children, but I have been around children my whole life. My parents adopted my little sister as a newborn when I was fourteen years old and I had the joy of watching her grow up and learn things through homeschooling just as I did. Also from the same age I have been a teacher of ballet, tap, and jazz to children from the ages of three through nine. Long story short, I have been working with children for a very long time so many of the things I may write about have come through a lot of thought. I plan on using this blog to share with other parents some of the things we have done and will do with our children to help t...